
  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Register Now for Summer 2024 Courses

    Register Now for Summer 2024 Courses

    INLG 200: Southern Tutchone Grammar with Natane Primozic INLG 233: Łingít Level 3 with Skaydu.û & Khàganê Jules Call YNLC at 867-668-8820, toll-free at 1-877-414-9652, or email to register.…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Our Land, Our Languages Gathering – Postponed to 2024

    Our Land, Our Languages Gathering – Postponed to 2024

    YNLCʼs “Our Land, Our Languages Gathering” is postponed to 2024 and will not be taking place at the TKC Fish Camp from October 3 – 5, 2023. We are excited to see you all…

  • Thank you

    Gwich’in   Màhsi’ choo Hän     Mä̀hsi’ cho Kaska     Sógá sénlá’ Northern Tutchone     Másin cho  (or) Niyę sáw nîidhín Southern Tutchone     Shä̀w níthän  (or)  Kwä̀nä̀schis Tagish   Gùnèłchīsh Tlingit     Gunałchîsh Upper Tanana      Tsin’įį…

  • We are happy to see (all of) you

    Gwich’in Nakhwanyàa’in  geenjit  shòh  ìidìlii. Hän Nëkhwëtr’ënoh’ąy  häjit  shò  tr’ìnląy. Northern Tutchone Dàyę  yésóots’enindhän,  dàkhwäts’enè’in  yū. Southern Tutchone Dákwänī’į  yū  shä̀w  ghànīddhän. Upper Tanana Nohts’eneh’įį  tsin’įį  choh  ts’eninṯẖän. Tlingit Yak’ê …

  • Greetings – Tlingit

    List of commonly requested greetings. Introductions Teslin            Mâ sá iduwasâkw? What is your name? __________ yû xhat duwasâkw My name is ______________. Carcross       Wâ sé iduwasâkw? What is your name?…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Registration is now open for Yukon First Nations Language Proficiency Programs – Summer 2022

    Registration is now open for Yukon First Nations Language Proficiency Programs – Summer 2022

    April 4, 2022 – INLG 433 & 434: Mentor-Apprentice Program I & II – This course supports focused language learning alongside a mentor/speaker in a specific Yukon First Nations Language. Applying ​best…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Season’s Greetings from YNLC!

    Season’s Greetings from YNLC!

    The Yukon Native Language Centre, Council of Yukon First Nations and respective Yukon First Nations, are pleased to provide a poster of “Season’s Greetings” in all 8 Yukon First Nations…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Every Child Matters Poster

    Every Child Matters Poster

    September 24, 2021 – The Yukon Native Language Centre, Council of Yukon First Nations and respective Yukon First Nations, are pleased to provide a poster of “Every Child Matters” in…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Celebrate with us vitrually!

    Celebrate with us vitrually!

    Graduation and Fluent Speaker Recognition Ceremony – Friday, May 28th, 2021 Please join us virtually for the inaugural ceremony to honour the 2021 Yukon Native Language Center graduates and fluent…

  • Graduate Certificate in the Linguistics of a First Nations Language

    Application Deadline: May 14, 2021The Graduate Certificate in the Linguistics of a First Nations Language (GCFNL) offers training to students for careers as language researchers, post-secondary educators, and material developers.…