
  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Every Child Matters Poster

    Every Child Matters Poster

    September 24, 2021 – The Yukon Native Language Centre, Council of Yukon First Nations and respective Yukon First Nations, are pleased to provide a poster of “Every Child Matters” in…

  • INLG 435: Curriculum & Materials Development II

    Course details & registration information coming soon!

  • Thank you

    Gwich’in   Màhsi’ choo Hän     Mä̀hsi’ cho Kaska     Sógá sénlá’ Northern Tutchone     Másin cho  (or) Niyę sáw nîidhín Southern Tutchone     Shä̀w níthän  (or)  Kwä̀nä̀schis Tagish   Gùnèłchīsh Tlingit     Gunałchîsh Upper Tanana      Tsin’įį…

  • We are happy to see (all of) you

    Gwich’in Nakhwanyàa’in  geenjit  shòh  ìidìlii. Hän Nëkhwëtr’ënoh’ąy  häjit  shò  tr’ìnląy. Northern Tutchone Dàyę  yésóots’enindhän,  dàkhwäts’enè’in  yū. Southern Tutchone Dákwänī’į  yū  shä̀w  ghànīddhän. Upper Tanana Nohts’eneh’įį  tsin’įį  choh  ts’eninṯẖän. Tlingit Yak’ê …

  • Greetings – Kaska

    List of commonly requested greetings. Introductions Enzíʼ dúgúyā? What is your name? Eszíʼ __________ gúyē. My name is ______________. How are you?    Dénhtʼā? We are happy to see (all of)…

  • Greetings – Tagish

    List of commonly requested greetings. Introductions Dànizhē?      What is your name? _____________ ùnihzhē.       My name is ______________. How are you?      Dànìtʼē? We are happy to see (all of) you.      Dahts’eneh’įh …

  • Greetings – Upper Tanana

    List of commonly requested greetings. Introductions Ntsąąʼ nǫǫs̱ì?      What is your name? _____________ shǫǫs̱ìʼ.       My name is ______________. How are you?      Ntsʼä̀tdįįtʼeh? We are happy to see (all of) you.     …

  • Greetings – Southern Tutchone

    List of commonly requested greetings. Introductions Aishihik Klukshu N-yinzhì dùye? What is your name? Äyinzhì _________ ùye. My name is ______________. Lake Leberge Dànįye? What is your name? __________ ùúye.…

  • Greetings – Northern Tutchone

    List of commonly requested greetings. Introductions Mayo Inzí dúʼúuzhi? What is your name? Ihzí __________ úuzhi.    My name is ______________. Pelly Crossing Dų́ųzhi? What is your name? __________ úuzhi.   My…

  • Greetings – Hän

    Introductions Ǹtsʼ ą̈̀ nǫzrè? What is your name? Shǫzrèʼ _____________. My name is ______________. How are you?      Nänjit dä̀hònchʼe? We are happy to see (all of) you.      Nëkhwëtr’ënoh’ąy häjit shò…