Axh tuwáa sigóo yéi yee daayaxhakhaayí, gunalchéesh áwé yá Kwanlin Dün Khwáan, kha Ta’an Kwäch’än Khwáan. | I want to say to you all, thank you to the Kwanlin Dün Khwáan, kha Ta’an Kwäch’än Khwáan. |
Hasdu léelk’u hás aaní kát woosh xhoot wutudi.át, yáax’ yéi jitooné, ách áyá sh tóoghaa haa ditee. | It is on their ancestors’ land we have gathered, we work here, so we are grateful. |
Axh shagóon daat yee een kakkhwanéek. | I want to tell you about my lineage and story. |
Lingít xh’éináxh Skàydu.û yóo xhat duwasáakw. Axh léelk’w, axh tláa du tláa, x̱at uwasáa. Dleit kháa xh’éináxh Tina Jules yóo xhat duwasáakw. | In Lingít my name is Skàydu.û. My maternal grandmother named me. In English I’m called Tina Jules. |
Dakhl’aweidí áyá xhát. Dakhl’asháaxh xhat sitee. Ghooch naaxh xhat sitee, Deisleen Khwáandáxh. | I am of the Eagle clan, a Daḵl’aweidí woman. I am Wolf moiety, from Teslin. |
Lingít kha Kaska Dene shaawádixh xhat sitee. | I am a Lingít and Kaska Dene woman. |
Axh tláa Khàshdáxh Tláa Minnie Jules yóo dusáagun. | My mother was called Khaashdáxh Tláa Minnie Jules. |
Axh éesh Khishdúkw Ralph Smarch yóo duwasáakw. | My father is called Khishdúkw Ralph Smarch. |
Axh léelk’w, axh tláa du tláa Skàyda.û Graffie Jules (Peters) yóo dusáagun. | My mother’s mother was called Skaaydu.oo Graffie Jules (Peters). |
Axh léelk’w, axh tláa du éesh Charlie Jules Ts’itás yóo dusáagun. | My mother’s father was called Ts’itás Charlie Jules. |
Mountain Slavey, Deisheetaan, Austrain, French, kha Cree dachxhán áyá xhát. | I am a grandchild of the Mountain Slavey, Deisheetaan, Austrian, French, and Cree. |
Axh yátx’i, dàx’ùnínaxh yatì. Axh sík’ has Khashdáxh Tláa, Gádzûsdà, kha Khaxhyêk yóo duwasáakw, łingít xh’ênáxh. Axh yîtk’ At Shukáxh yóo duwasáakw, łingít xh’ênáxh. Axh dachxhánk’i, dáxhnáxh yatí. Axh dachxhánk has Yench Khuwasáaw kha Eilyah. | My children, four exist. My three daughters are called Khashdáxh Tláa, Gádzûdà, kha Khaxhyêk in Tlingit. My son is called At Shukáxh in Tlingit. My grandchildren, two exist. My grandchildren are called Yench Khuwasáaw and Eilyah. |
Kwanlin Aaníx’ khux̱wdzitee. Naataasehéeni kha Taagish aaníx’ yéi xhat yatee. Kwanlinx’ áwé yéi jix̱áné. Haa yóo xh’atángi daakahídi, yóo xh’atánk at wuskóowu alyéixhi áwé axh yéi jinéiyi. | I was born in Whitehorse. I live in Carcross/Tagish territory. I work in Whitehorse. At YNLC, I am the Language Curriculum Specialist. |
Haa shuká aa hás, kha Haa Shagóon x’éighaa áwé sh tóoghaa xhat ditee. Haa yátx’i sh tóoghaa xhat ditee, has likoodzée áwé. Haa yátx’ich hasdu yóo xh’atángi daat sh tóo amdlitóowu, axh toowú klighéi has kaaxh. Haa yátx’i toowú litseen. | I am truly grateful to our ancestors, and our genealogy. I’m grateful to our children, they are amazing. I am so proud of our children when they study our language. They are courageous. |
Gunalchéesh axh xh’eit yeensa.aaxhí wé yóo xh’atánk yéi jinéiyi daat. X’éighaa at sh tóoghaa xhat ditee i yéi jinéiyi yís. Ldakát uháan, t’éex’déin yéi jitooné haa yóo xh’atángi daat. | Thank you all for listening to my words about this language work. Truly I am grateful for your work. All of us, we work so hard at our languages. |
Gunalchéesh áwé, yéi xh’ayaxhakhá, ldakát axh shuká aa hás, hasdu at wuskóowu, hasdu yóo xh’atángi, hasdu tula.aaní. Hasdu yéi jinéiyich áwé tlíl khut uduxíxch haa yóo xh’atángi. Gunalchéesh áwé ldakát hás axh eet has wudishée. | Thanks, I say, to all of my ancestors, for their knowledge, their language, their kindness. Because of their work it will not be lost. Thanks too to all who have helped me. |