Register Now Fall 2024 Courses!

YNLC is excited to announce the Fall 2024 Course Line-Up. Additional Courses and times will be posted as they become available.

Please complete the registration form to register. Registration closes September 5, 2024.

Contact or call (867) 668 – 8820 with any questions.


INLG 130: Practical Phonetics for Indigenous Languages with Pat Moore & Dan Tlen. COURSE SCHEDULE: September 10 – December 5, 2024 Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-10:30 a.m. (Online) 

INLG 335: Language Revitalization with Dr. Norma Shorty & Kelsey Jaggard. COURSE SCHEDULE: September 24 – December 17, 2024 Tuesdays from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (In-person & online). 

Hän Level 1 (INLG 133) with Erika Scheffen. COURSE SCHEDULE: September 11-December 5, 2024 Wednesday & Thursday from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (Online). 

Southern Tutchone Level 4 (INLG 234) with Natane Primozic. COURSE SCHEDULE: September 10-December 5, 2024 Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00 p.m. & Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 p.m. (Online). Pre-Requisites: INLG 233: Southern Tutchone Level 3 or equivalent experience.

Tlingít Level 4 (INLG 234). COURSE SCHEDULE: TBA. Pre-Requisites: INLG 233: Tlingít Level 3 or equivalent experience.

INLG 435: Advanced Łingít Grammar with Dr. James Crippen. COURSE SCHEDULE: September 9 – December 4, 2024; Mondays & Wednesdays from 2:00-3:30 p.m. (In-person & Online). Pre-Requisites: INLG 234: Łingít Level 4, INLG 200: Intro to Łingít Grammar, INLG 300: Advanced Łingít Grammar.

Register Here

You are considered a New Student if you have not taken a course through YNLC in the past 3 years. You are considered a Returning Student if you have taken classes with YNLC in the past 3 years.

Course Offering 2023/2024

If additional courses are offered that you would like to take, please contact to register and do not complete this form again. Click here for SFU course descriptions:
Course credits are offered through Simon Fraser Universityʼs Indigenous Languages Proficiency Program.

What month will the fall 2024 classes start in? (answer is in lowercase)