
Original CD (1996)

Production Team
Produced by: Yukon Native Language Centre
Director: John Ritter, YNLC
Design: Felix Vogt, Total North Communications
Graphic Art: Paul Mantle, Keyline Graphics Design
Research and Writing:
Doug Hitch, YNLC
John Ritter, YNLC
Margaret Workman, YNLC
Sound: Margaret Workman, YNLC
Classroom Testing: Margaret Workman, Lorraine Allen, and Pat Moore.

Elder Consultants
Mr. Sam Williams (1908-1996)
Mr. & Mrs. John Adamson
Ms. Stella Boss
Ms. Bessie Crow
Ms. Marge Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Paddy Jim
Ms. Jessie Joe

Other Support
Grand Chief Shirley Adamson
Chief & Mrs. Paul Birckel
Mrs. Anne Cullen, YNLC
Mr. Pete Etherton, Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Ms. Sarah Gaunt, Champagne-Aishihik Heritage Department
Ms. Ruth Gotthardt, Yukon Archaeologist, Department of Tourism
Mrs. Gertie Tom, Founding Elder, YNLC

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Council of Yukon First Nations
Yukon Department of Education
Yukon Executive Council Office
Yukon Archives

Web Conversion (2007)

Doug Hitch, YNLC
Sheila Maissan, YNLC